This site is dedicated to the memory of Sheree North.

Hello there and welcome. If you are wondering what this site is about... these pages have been created in loving memory of Sheree North, who died on Friday June 1st 2007. A daughter, a mother, a sister and a friend; Sheree was loved by many and is sorely missed... So put the kettle on, make a cuppa then come on in, take a look at some photos, read a little, listen to some music or better still, add some of your own photos and thoughts; you're very welcome to contribute and share if you'd like to. This tribute is for anyone who was touched by Sheree's magic and everyone is welcome. Please forward the email address of anyone you think would like to visit by clicking the 'Contact Gavin' link below, and I'll happily send them an invitation. Please also contact me If you need any help, and thanks for stopping by.


Help grow Sheree's Tribute by adding messages or memories you'd like to share.